Friday, January 30, 2009

Show and Tell Friday!

This is my first time participating in Kelli's Show and Tell Friday and I hope you enjoy!

If you would like to participate, click on the picture below.

Within the past year, I have been remodeling my bedroom and because it was so big, I made an office and a small bathroom just for ME!!.

The picture below is a project in my home office I am currently working on. One of my 2009 goals is to organize all of my pictures and display some around the house.

I used 4 12x12 sheets of cork board already cut from Staples and used liquid nail glue to secure them to the wall.

Then I bought small cork boards 6x6 and decorated them with scrapbook paper with colors to match my office walls - Eddie Bauer, paprika - then glued them on top of the larger cork boards. I also used an adhesive that came with the cork boards to hold my sticky notes on the board as well. In the picture the sticky notes look yellow, but they are orange.

I look forward to your comments!!


Kathy Schindler


Kristen said...

What a great project. It's so nice that you were able to get an office all of your own.

Lois Christensen said...

That looks great! So nice to have a place all to yourself! Looking forward to seeing everything done! Have a blessed day!

A Hint of Home said...

Great space to call your own. Nice project.

Jessica said...

Welcome to the Show & Tell. I enjoyed your post and looking around your blog. In fact, you've inspired me to spruce up my home office too! Thanks for sharing.

Carla said...

Love your colors! How wonderful now you have a pretty organized place just for you:)

Controlling My Chaos said...

Kathy, I don't have your e-mail address to respond to your question on my blog, so I'm doing it through your comments.

Regarding the blog book, I had my blog open in one window, and the CM Storybook Creator Plus software open at the same time. I would go to my blog and copy the text (Ctrl C) and then to my blog book in Storybook and past it in a text box (Ctrl V). For the pictures, while in my blog, I would click on them to get a better resolution, then right click to go through the save process, to my desktop. Then after I got all the pictures for a particular blog post, I would "Get Them" in SB+ and drag and drop them into my blog book. I takes a bit of moving stuff around to get the best fit, but you are in control exactly in how you want it done. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

You have quite the corner all to your self there. Good Job!!

JudyBug said...

Everyone should have a space of their own! Love what you did with your's!

Darlene said...

Your office looks great. I would LOVE to have a big enough bedroom for all of that!

~CC Catherine said...

Very creative! This really helps to have something like this to hang your pics and notes on! Very nice! ;) ~CC

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Great that you have such a large bedroom. I would love a corner for my own computer....I hate having to share it!!!

Frazzled Mom said...

You are blessed with space. A space of one's own is a treasure indeed! come see me at

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Welcome to Show and Tell! You did a great job on your office project! Thanks for sharing!


Lisa Cobler said...

That looks really nice.

Kathy said...

How nice that you have some personal space to yourself! Congrats!

Alice said...

Your corner looks great! It is certainly nice to have space that is your very own! Great idea with the corkboards.

I like your pet photos running down the side of your blog :). How sweet! I love your little Linny - what a cutie!

You are always welcome in The Shadow of the Cross. Feel free to visit anytime.

LuLu said...

Kathy, it looks great. An office spot for you! Love your colors, perfect! So glad you shared!!!

Queen B. said...